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  • Writer's pictureJoy Morales

A New Chapter in Healthcare

A New Chapter in Healthcare: GLA’s Clinic in Southern Haiti

As part of God's Littlest Angels (GLA) "Journey to 30" – a celebration of 30 years of commitment to Haiti's children – we are thrilled to announce a significant milestone: opening a new clinic in Southern Haiti. This initiative marks a return to our roots and an expansion of our mission to provide hope and healing to the most vulnerable.

The Vision:

The GLA clinic is more than just a medical facility; it's a beacon of healing and hope in a region with a dire need for accessible healthcare. This clinic is a natural extension of GLA's long-standing mission, which began with a NICU unit on Christmas Day three decades ago. In a time when many hospitals are closing or leaving the area, we believe this clinic is a manifestation of God's provision and promise to Southern Haiti.

The clinic's success hinges on our collaboration with key organizations like Overture Outreach International and the Global Birthing Foundation. These partnerships allow each entity to focus on its expertise, enhancing the quality and scope of healthcare services. Our collective efforts increase preventative care and address the root causes that lead to family separation due to health-related issues.

The clinic will provide various healthcare services, focusing on areas significantly impacting family preservation. These services include but are not limited to:

  • Pediatric care, with an emphasis on preventive health and vaccinations

  • General medical services for children and families

  • Educational programs on health and wellness

  • A referral system connecting patients to specialized medical care when necessary

Our goal is for the clinic to serve as a cornerstone in the community, offering affordable, quality healthcare. By addressing the health needs of children and families, we aim to prevent the kind of medical crises that can lead to family separations. The clinic is poised to be a vital resource, ensuring families stay together and thrive.

To make this vision a reality, GLA needs your support. While we have secured a facility, the clinic requires essential supplies and equipment to become operational. Your contributions are invaluable. Every donation brings us closer to opening the doors of this vital clinic.

The opening of the GLA clinic in Southern Haiti is more than just an expansion of our services; it's a reaffirmation of our commitment to the health and well-being of Haiti's children and their families. This clinic stands as a symbol of hope, where healing begins, and families find the support they need to thrive.

We invite you to be part of this exciting new chapter in GLA's history. Stay updated on our progress, learn more about how you can help, and join us in making a lasting difference in Southern Haiti.

As always, we thank you for your unwavering support and for joining us in this mission of hope and healing. Together, we are creating a healthier, brighter future for the children and families of Haiti.

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