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God works miracles daily. GLA is just the place.

Fourteen years old…a mere child herself, alone and afraid, with a tiny, frail baby in her arms. The voices of those in her village echoed in her ears and penetrated her young heart. “Look at him; he’s deformed!”, “He’s not even human!”, “This is the work of demons!”, “He’s bad luck; throw him away!”. As the lies bombarded her mind and poisoned her heart a single thought cut through the noise “There must be another way.”. This brave teenager wills her weary body to her feet, clutching little Stanley in her arms. She slowly makes her way to her neighbour and friend, Madame Asson.

Madame Asson reaches for the infant, no bigger than the size of her palm. With great care and compassion, she gently wraps Stanley in a soft blanket. A quick glance confirms what she knows in her heart, Stanley will not survive if he does not receive medical care soon. She makes her way through the village to the local hospital in Mierbalais desperately seeking the medical care this precious little one needs. The local hospital is not equipped with equipment to care for premature infants and turns them away. Feeling hopeless and lost she cries out to God for wisdom. During this prayer, she remembers meeting Sara, a medical missionary. Sara answers her phone to a distraught friend in fear of losing this child. Sara drops everything and meets her and Stanley at the hospital. She quickly arranges for an ambulance to come and take this little babe to the only facility with a NICU that she is aware of – GLA. She prays that this small, fragile baby will continue to cling to life long enough to make it to the neonatal unit, where the expertly trained nurses can provide the treatment he needs.

Madame Asson recounts her story to Myriam on her way to visit with Stanley. She believes he is truly a gift from “the heavens” and she would gladly take him as her own, if she only had the means to do so. The sound of laughter and tiny feet running on the warm ground draw her attention to a little 2-year-old boy. . Could this really be the same little one whose 2-pound body was rushed to GLA only a scant few years before?? Disbelief is replaced by awe, as this miracle boy stares back in wonder. Madame Asson is delighted to know Stanley has done so well at GLA, and her joy is contagious. Stanley gives her a shy smile and shows her the car he is playing with.

"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

Stanley has a rare birth defect called amniotic band sequence. It can affect many organs, but typically it will affect a child’s limbs. Children with this condition usually have deep grooves or constriction bands around their extremities, and some may be born missing fingers, toes, or even arms and legs. Stanley was born missing his lower right leg, he has a constriction band on his left calf affecting his circulation, and three of his fingers are fused on his right hand. He will need to have corrective surgery soon on his leg in order to prevent having to amputate. However, Stanley has found a way to overcome these challenges, refusing to let them slow him down! Stanley is quite the adept climber. His nannies think he is part “Spiderman”; he has even taught his fellow housemates some of his climbing skills.

God works miracles daily. GLA is just the place, the workers are the hands and feet, but Guardians help make it possible through their regular funding of GLA’s mission. Please consider becoming a GLA Guardian through our child sponsorship program. Your financial commitment changes the trajectory of life for a little one, and your gift will help us be here when the next “Stanley” comes through our gates.

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