On Friday Myriam and the teachers’ decided to make the Valentine’s party just a bit crazier by combining both the kindergarten and grade school classes together. The little kids felt very special moving their table and chairs into the big kids’ classroom. They were honorary big kids for the day.
Anthonika and Gardy presented a lesson on love. They shared about God’s great love for us in sending His son Jesus to bear our sins, and about how it makes Jesus happy when we love each other. They asked for examples of what we can do to show love to each other. Some kids talked about sharing toys or special treats. Other kids talked about how showing love is waking up with their friend in the middle of the night and walking to the bathroom with them so they don’t have to be scared to go alone. Divenson** shared that including kids in a game that they are playing on the playground shows love. And, Wencia** said that she knows Mommy Krisna (her nanny) loves her because she always makes her happy when she cries. We are so proud of these little ones with their keen understanding of each other’s feelings and the role that they play in one another’s lives.
Elange, Kiki, Cherline, and Rose Laure passed around hearts, construction paper, glue, markers, and of course glitter for all the kids to get creative. The kids each chose who they wanted to make a valentine for. Some of them had a hard time deciding on just one of their loved friends and caregivers so opted to write a whole list of names inside the card to be shared.

Myriam got some beats going and the kids enjoyed sugary sweets and a little dance party before class was out for the day. Bobo rejected the heart shaped lollipops, but he got right into the music and enjoyed showing everyone his moves.
We are so grateful to you for your continued prayers and financial support. We pray that this Valentine’s Day wherever you are and whoever you are with that you are feeling God’s immeasurable love for you! **some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals mentioned
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